Green Gold Animation entered the Indian Animation industry in 2001. It is one of the first few entrants in the Indian animation industry with the unique knowledge of developing original IP Content. It created a niche for itself in the industry by producing Vikram Betal, Krishna series, Krishna Balram, Chorr Police and the hugely popular Chhota Bheem.
Green Gold Animation is the only Indian company to diversify itself in to multiple domains and it is a pioneer in exploring new revenue streams apart from traditional sources such as L&M activity, Branded Stores and Digital Media. Furthermore, it is the first Indian company reaching out to global audience with original Indian animated content.
Our Strengths
- Green Gold Animation is one of the pioneers in the Indian animation industry.
- Unique knowledge of developing original Indian IP Content and 100% created in-house, ensuring great flexibility and high speed of development.
- Very strong in original Indian animation content development.
- Support from leading kids TV channels (Cartoon Network, Pogo and Disney) in launching our animation content.
- Proud creators of Vikram Betal, Krishna, and Chhota Bheem series, the landmark shows in the Indian animation industry.
- Studio located at Hyderabad, Indias leading IT destination.
- High creative satisfaction amongst employees.
- Well-trained work force with quality work output.
- Well-rounded and managed business.
- Voted India's favorite Character 2011 & 2012
- Winner best animation TV series
- +40 million viewers
- Over 250 episodes
For business enquiry