Green Gold Animation is a pioneer in creating original Indian animation content and has been entertaining the young generation for over a decade. The shows produced by Green Gold have been hugely popular across all leading kids TV channels like Cartoon Network, Pogo, Discovery Kids, Hungama & Disney, drawing an active viewership of over 60 million kids. The popularity of the characters created by Green Gold has transcended over the years and it has helped the company establish itself as a leading player in Licensing & Merchandising, Movie Production & Distribution, Digital Business, Retail Stores and Events.
Licensing at Green Gold Animation rides on the success of its shows like Chhota Bheem and Mighty Raju.
Green Gold Pictures came into the Distribution business in 2014, releasing its theatrical movie.
With new media revolutionizing the entertainment industry and is adding to our revenues as well.
Our popular shows are now available in the form of various apps and games on all mobile platforms.
Green Gold Store aims to be a one stop shop for kids looking to buy merchandise of our most popular toon characters.
Green Gold Events hosts many large format activations across the length and breadth of the country.
An alumni of the Academy of Art, San Francisco, USA, Mr. Rajiv Chilaka’s entrepreneurial journey started with a vision of creating an animation studio at par with the best in the world. This took shape with the establishment of Green Gold Animation in 2004.
Srinivas Chilakalapudi has over 20 years of experience and spearheads the strategy of the company and works closely with the executive team in defining the roadmaps of each of the business verticals. He has been associated with Green Gold since its inception in an advisory role and took up a full-time position in 2011.
Murali Krishna Yarla, is a qualified Cost Accountant from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (CWA) and also having M.B.A., in Finance and Post-graduation in Commerce. He has 24 + year of work experience across finance, accounting, costing, audit and compliance in financial, manufacturing and services industries.
Bharath Laxmipati is a Sales and Marketing leader with an entrepreneurial spirit and 22 years of business experience across global markets & diverse businesses.
Anvita Prasad is a marketing & sales professional and heads the Licensing & Merchandising vertical for Green Gold. She’s a marketeer with creative streak and has an inherent love of art & stories.
Tom stands at the cross-roads of entertainment & technology, by profession and passion excels in Project / Portfolio Management. For over 2 decades he’s been working on global markets for the Animation, TV Production and Technology companies.
This story is based in Pocketpur, a pleasant Indian coastal town filled with significant pockets of nature; with scenic mountains on one side and a beautiful beach on the other. Every locality is selfsufficient with its own amenities, police-station school and a hospital.
An adorable toddler, Mighty Little Bheem sets off on various adventires driven by his curiousty. His love for milk and ladoos and his strength are of no match for any kid.
On the emperor’s invitation, Bheem now stronger than ever is in kingdom of China, participating in a prestigious martial arts competition.
The show revolves around the village of Kalaripuram - which preserves and practices the ancient martial art of Kalaripayattu - and following the day-to-day lives of two competing gurukuls.
Super Bheem is the valiant superhero of all the galaxies combined and embarks on many adventurous journeys through mythical lands.
Meet Aryanagar's friendly superhero Mighty Raju. Brave, strong and intelligent, there is nothing this toddler superhero cannot do!
Chhota Bheem and his friends as they enjoy, explore and protect the sunshine-filled village of Dholakpur.
Stories of Arjun, The royal Prince of Bali, reach far and wide. With only a quiver of arrows, Arjun sets out to protect his kingdom.
He’s a robot, he’s a car, he’s a samurai, and he’s a wise-ass TEENAGER! He is the self appointed protector of his realm.
Krishna - The Birth is the enchanting tale of the miraculous birth of Lord Vishnu in the form of baby Krishna to Vasudev and Devaki.
Chorr Police is a funny robbery & chase comedy set in modern day mumbai.
This series revolves around the smart and energetic twin brothers, Luv and Kushh. The stories are full of action.
At Green Gold Animation, we have always been committed to bringing you the finest in entertainment
We at Green Gold Animation are thrilled to announce the release of our highly anticipated live-action movie, "Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan."
Green Green Animation is excited to announce the upcoming release of our live-action movie, "Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan," hitting theatres on May 31, 2024!
In the Indian animation industry, one name stands out as a beacon of creativity: Green Gold Animation. For over 15 years, the studio has been crafting stories that capture the hearts and imaginations of audiences young and old.
Green Gold Animation is excited to announce the release of the brand new anthem, the Chhota Bheem Theme Song, from the upcoming live-action movie, Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan.
The world of 3D animation is a realm where creativity meets technology. Yet, behind the mesmerizing visuals lies a meticulously crafted process that often goes unnoticed by the audience.
Prepare to be transported to the enchanting world of Dholakpur as the iconic Indian animated character, Chhota Bheem makes his live-action debut in the much-anticipated film, Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan.
In today's competitive world of animation, it takes more than just a great plot and endearing characters to make your series a global sensation. With the right marketing plan, your animated series, like Mighty Little Bheem, can capture the hearts of viewers around the world. For your animated series, these six key tactics will help you develop a successful marketing strategy.
Making an animated show or a film is an incredible challenge that calls for a special combination of technical proficiency, storytelling prowess, creative vision, and audience involvement. Effective shows should do more than just amuse viewers; they should also make an impact, spark discussion, or meaningfully touch their emotions.
If you receive any call or email from individuals claiming to be a part of Green Gold group or representative of the Green Gold group, and they ask you for money for job placements/offer or arranging an interview/ test, that is most DEFINETLY A FAKE. There are no fees or security deposits for applying for jobs or interviewing or document verification or receiving an offer from Green Gold. . We never charge candidates in either cash or kind. So, if anyone says they are calling/ emailing on behalf of Green Gold and ask you for money or your bank or credit card details, do not entertain them at all.