For over a decade, a little superhero named Chhota Bheem has been sparking fantasies and stealing the hearts of everyone. This popular animated icon, created by Green Gold Animation, has evolved from his modest beginnings to become a beloved part of our daily lives. What started as a small animated TV show has now transcended into something beyond unimaginable, as Green Gold is all set to unveil the thrilling live-action movie “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan”. It’s time to reminisce about the remarkable journey of Chhota Bheem and the creative minds at Green Gold Animation.
he Beginnings of Bheem: Fifteen years ago,in the year 2008, the courageous little boy made his debut on Indian television screens. Created by Rajiv Chilaka, Chhota Bheem, in the fictional village of Dholakpur, embarked on his first adventures with his friends Chutki, Raju, Jaggu and Kalia. Needless to say, the show was an instant hit and has quickly won our hearts with its lively animation, catchy title song and heartwarming tales..
The Rise of Bheem: As the years passed, Chhota Bheem’s popularity rose to unimaginable heights. The show’s gripping storylines, lovable characters and emphasis on Indian culture has resonated with audiences of all ages. It wasn’t long before the little superhero became a household name, inspiring merchandise, video games, and even theme parks.
Green Gold and it’s Transformation: All this while, behind the scenes, Green Gold Animation was busy working hard turning dreams into reality. What started as a small animation studio in Hyderabad transformed into a huge global powerhouse. As the horizons expanded beyond television, the creators’ commitment and dedication to quality and storytelling excellence was paying off. In 2012, Chhota Bheem made his debut onto the big screen with the animated movie “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan”. This marked a turning point for Green Gold as they entered into the world of animated movies. The theatrical movie was a huge hit and Chhota Bheem’s popularity shone even brighter than ever.
Green Gold Animation founder & CEO Rajiv Chilaka said, “As the creator of Bheem, as a character has evolved over the last decade than any other IP, with a worldwide fan following. Voot Kid’s content team’s global benchmarks for engagement and curation convinced us that the platform would be the perfect digital home for our characters and fans to build a deeper bond. The scale and the nature of this content partnership got us excited, given it is one of a kind that the kids entertainment genre has seen till date. These kinds of initiatives rewrite the rules of disruptive content strategy as we are thrilled to be a part of it.”
Live-Action Dreams: Fast forward to 2023, Green Gold Animation is set to make history yet again with the live-action release of “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan.” This bold move shows the studio’s unwavering commitment to innovation and their dedication to bringing the beloved characters to life. As we celebrate 15 years of Chhota Bheem’s tales, it’s obvious that Green Gold has come a long way. The journey from a small animation studio to a live-action movie production company is a testament to the power of imagination, hard work and deep love for storytelling. “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan” is more than simply a movie; it holds the potential to be an exciting new chapter in Chhota Bheem’s journey as it hits the theatres in May 2024. In conclusion, the epic journey of Chhota Bheem from a simple animated television show to a global phenomenon and now a live-action movie is nothing short of extraordinary. It’s a proof to the dedicated power of storytelling and the boundless creativity of Green Gold Animation. As we all eagerly await the theatrical release of “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan,” let’s celebrate the huge success and the remarkable transformation of Green Gold. Get ready for an adventure like no other, as Chhota Bheem makes it to the big screen. Here's to many more years of fun, inspiration, and adventures with our favourite little superhero!